Who doesn't love beautiful shiny things? Everything is energy and we have been blessed to have these little treasures in nature, that assist us in keeping balanced. Crystals are known, to heal and balance our beings to live our best lives. Now you will have the nay sayers, that will argue crystals, have no magic, no healing properties, and are just an object in nature that sits there and looks pretty. I say lets say they didn't have an ounce of magic, and they are right. What is the harm in believing they do? Aren't our minds powerful, we create our own realities. Last time I checked everything is made up of energy. I truly believe crystals have a mystical type of magic, that might not have a definitive black and white answer, but what in life really does. I love selecting particular sets of them, just as is or created into jewelry, and I love to share them with others.