Astrology: Why do I Resonate, and How I Learned
I felt like I should answer these two questions here, because I get asked them most often by others. I am not exactly sure why I am so drawn to it, but all I know is it’s something I have always been interested in as far back as I can remember. There has always been a type of mysticism associated with astrology, and it has always intrigued me into getting to know myself and others. There is a book I read that explained it by associating the elements and the energy they hold in the universe, and how they effect every natural thing on the planet, so why wouldn’t it effect you as a natural human as well. That made all the sense in the world to me. Our sun signs are what is introduced the most, because it is the most important sign in your chart, but when you delve a bit deeper into astrology you learn there are so many different facets to your birth chart that are so unique to the individual. Astrology gives you the chance to feel greatly connected to all that is natural in the universe, and assists in getting to know yourself better, and eventually gaining a good understanding of others as well. I have always loved utilizing astrology for a positive communication tool.
I will never claim to know all there is to know about astrology, because I don’t. I naturally absorb the information, because of my natural interest for it. I grew up in times when internet and online research were not available. I would go to the library and check out all of the books I could find on the subject, and when I had the chance to visit bookstores, I would immediately make my way over to the astrology section and explore the books provided on the subject. So short of long, reading is how I learned so much about astrology. My favorite book is called, “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need.” I offer this book to you in my online store, because I believe it to be the essential book to use to at least explore the basics. You can find it in the Lifestyle collection. It is an easy to follow, easy to read book on astrology.
I love sharing my interest in astrology with others and encourage all to understand the subject if they feel drawn to. My life would not be as entertaining without it, and it really is an amazing tool, for self discovery and self improvement.
I will never claim to know all there is to know about astrology, because I don’t. I naturally absorb the information, because of my natural interest for it. I grew up in times when internet and online research were not available. I would go to the library and check out all of the books I could find on the subject, and when I had the chance to visit bookstores, I would immediately make my way over to the astrology section and explore the books provided on the subject. So short of long, reading is how I learned so much about astrology. My favorite book is called, “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need.” I offer this book to you in my online store, because I believe it to be the essential book to use to at least explore the basics. You can find it in the Lifestyle collection. It is an easy to follow, easy to read book on astrology.
I love sharing my interest in astrology with others and encourage all to understand the subject if they feel drawn to. My life would not be as entertaining without it, and it really is an amazing tool, for self discovery and self improvement.