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Each piece is .75” - 1.25” randomly selected.

Chakra: Root

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius- Aquarians aren’t fans of the status quo. They like to mix things up and usually don’t have a problem with change. However, the constant need for new environments and experiences can make them feel unstable. Rainbow Hematite provides that grounding energy they need to feel confident in life. While they never show it, Aquarians will relish the sense of familiarity and safety it brings.

Rainbow Hematite is thought by some to improve the strength of will. Wearing this stone may help one overcome bad habits or negative thoughts while simultaneously increasing self-confidence and courage. The mineral is also often associated with calming and balance - having rainbow Hematite around your home, or in certain rooms, is believed to confer a relaxing effect.

Rainbow Hematite is a mineral of iron oxide. When Hematite mixes with Goethite, it's called Rainbow Hematite.

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