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Regular price $26.00

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4” Natural Labradorite Feather. Labradorite is found in Madagascar. Each unique made in nature and carved by hand.  

Healing Properties:

Labradorite is known for its immense healing potential on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It is said to dispel negative energy patterns and thought processes, bringing light to one's inner truth.

  • Promotes intuition and psychic abilities - Labradorite awakens mystical abilities and intuition in many who use it. It can help tune you into your sixth sense, enhancing sensitivity and opening you up to spiritual guidance.
  • Bring serenity and self-awareness - The soothing energy of labradorite can quiet anxious thoughts, dispel insecurities, and bring emotional healing. It invites deep reflection, allowing you to uncover your inner wisdom and reach a higher level of consciousness.
  • Reveals your authentic self - By lifting suppression and facades, labradorite connects you with your true self. It dissolves illusions and elevates awareness of your core essence, passions, and purpose.
  • Strengthens trust - Labradorite energy builds faith in the universe's plan for you. It reminds you that setbacks are part of the journey and encourages reliance on inner talents. This stone can restore hope and rekindle excitement for the future.
  • Boosts courage - The protective energies of labradorite give you the bravery to follow your heart and manifest your dreams. It lends the resilience needed to overcome challenges with optimism and determination.

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